Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Showing HTML text in UILabel

Please use the following steps to show html text in UILabel of swift.

if  let attrStr = NSAttributedString(
                                        data: "<b><i>this is an html text</i></b>".dataUsingEncoding(NSUnicodeStringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: true)!,
                                        options: [ NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType],
                                        documentAttributes: nil,
                                    error: nil){
                                    messageLabel.attributedText = attrStr


the out put will be like the following

this is an html text

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

IPhone(Swift): Use Objective-C code in Swift

IPhone(Swift): Use Objective-C code in Swift: Here are step-by-step instructions for using Objective-C code (in this case, a framework provided by a third-party) in a Swift project. ...

Monday, September 14, 2015

Use Objective-C code in Swift

Here are step-by-step instructions for using Objective-C code (in this case, a framework provided by a third-party) in a Swift project.

  1. Add any Objective-C file to your Swift project by choosing File > New > New File > Objective-C File. Upon saving, XCode will ask if you want to add a bridging header. Choose 'Yes'. 
    In simple step 1: prompt appear than click on ok.. if it is not appear than we create manually like follow.. create one header file from iOS source and give the name ProjectName-Bridging-Header(ex:Test-Bridging-Header) and than go to build setting in swift compiler code-> Objective-C bridge add Objective-C bridge name ..(Test/Test-Bridging-Header.h) yeah thats complete.
  2. Optionally, delete the Objective-C file you added (named "anything" in the gif above), you don't need it anymore.
  3. Open the bridging header file -- the filename is of the form [YourProject]-Bridging-Header.h. It includes an Xcode-provided comment. Add a line of code for the Objective-C file you want to include, such as a 3rd-party framework. 
  4. Now in any Swift file you can use existing Objective-C code, in the Swift syntax
if you remove the bridging header file from your project, be sure to go into Build Settings and remove the value for "Objective-C Bridging Header" under "Swift Compiler - Code Generation".